1. score derived from one of several different standardized tests designed to assess intelligence.
2. Alfred Binet was a French psychologist who developed the first IQ test. His test provided the basis for the modern IQ tests used today.
Genius 144 0.13%
Gifted 130-144 2.14%
Above average 115-129 13.59%
Higher average 100-114 34.13%
Lower average 85-99 34.13%
Below average 70-84 13.59%
Borderline low 55-69 2.14%
Low <55 0.13%
4.Is the largest and oldest high-IQ society in the world.
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition
Jose WY
viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011
domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

Marijuana is one of the dangerous drugs today. What we know about marijuana is that it is a plant that burning it you smoke it and when it smokes the drug get in to your body and affects your brain and then you feel like different but it relax you and make you say things crazy it really have a big effect and like all people say it gets you high. In most places in the World like Ámsterdam marijuana is legal to be sell but in other places its illegal. I think marijuana should not be legal in all places in the world and specially in my country Honduras it is a type of drug that can kill you and with one try it might ruined your life. Marijuana can cause society to be stupids and lazy and thinking that the Only way to find a solution for there problems is getting pot. Marijuana may damage peoples life they can be so high that they Could put there life in danger doing things without thinking like driving high or fighting to be killed. I think marijuana should not be legal in Honduras it would be a worse place of what it all ready is it can make society go into a place where there will no be discipline. Burning a plant may have a lot of bad chemical in it and then when it is inhalated in gives you chemicals in your body anthen you might dye. In my opinion the marijuana is a very difficult drug to stop using it because the sense that it gives you the person will like it and be confortable of smoking marijuana. Marijuana cant be legal in conclusion I like how the law is established in the country where all those drugs are illegal.
lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011
Well from this video and many things shown in class I have learned many things about meth . I ddnt know what meth was until I saw this video that was very interesting and showed a lot of the causes of meth and how it resulted after you have tried a lot. I think it is a good idea on putting this type of documentary because teenagers and many other people Brown up can see and learned what is the danger in becoming a big evidence of meth. Methis one of the most dangerous drug in the World it very bad and people migt take because of being very deppressive or other people because of pear pressure other people think that it feels good and relax taking it andi t shows down and make you think possitive but the Orly thing that the drug gives you is a bad image of your self, danger to your self and hurts you. TRying to take meth is a very bad Choice like it is shown in the video that type of drug Orly causes problems and nothing good brings you to your life. In conclusión i can approved that this type of drug is Orly problems topeoples lifes.
martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

a. Rubbing hands
Meaning: Anticipation
b. Arms crossed on chest
Meaning: Defensiveness
c. Rubbing the eye
Meaning: Doubt, disbelief.
d. Gesture: Tapping or drumming fingers
Meaning: Impatience
e.Gesture: Steepling fingers
Meaning: Authoritative
a. Gesture: Stroking chin in USA
Meaning: Trying to make a decision
b. Gesture: Looking down, face turned away in USA
Meaning: Disbelief
c. Gesture: Biting nails in USA
Meaning: Insecurity, nervousness
d. Gesture: Pulling or tugging at ear in Africa
Meaning: Indecision
e. Gesture: Prolonged tilted head in USA
Meaning: Boredom
f. Gesture: Standing with hands on hips in USA
Meaning: Readiness, aggression
g. Gesture: Sitting with legs crossed, foot kicking slightly Latins
Meaning: Boredom
h. Gesture: Sitting, legs apart in USA
Meaning: Open, relaxed
i. Gesture: Walking with hands in pockets, shoulders hunched in USA
Meaning: Dejection
j. Gesture: Hand to cheek in asia
Meaning: Evaluation, thinking
When men lie, their body language appears relaxed. Women, on the other hand, pretend to look busy when they lie.
In day to day living, men display facial gestures that are more relaxed and express less warmth, while women’s gestures are lighter and more flexible.
Men smile more frequently and the smile takes time to fade away. Women, too, smile frequently, but the smile lasts only for a while.
In case of a positive atmosphere of the conversation, women bend towards the speaker, while men bend their head towards the side.
If the situation is negative, a woman will not indulge in eye contact. Conversely, a man would look more steadily towards the interlocutor.
Both men and women look directly into the eyes of their interest while conversing. However, men may move their eyes indicating their nervousness, while women, many a times, shy off and bend their head.
Men show their interest in women by sitting close to them or touching their shoulder or arms softly, while talking. Conversely, women touch the arms or shoulders of men softly only if they like the physical closeness of the person.
Men rarely make compliments and joke more rather. Women, on the other hand, pass compliments and hardly joke.
Men prefer using strict and direct formulations and are less talkative than women. Their sounds are more loud and brisk, but monotonous, as compared to the sounds of women.
Women often use elegant phrases like “it would be extremely kind of you”, “it was incredible”, “we have spent an unforgettable evening” and so on. Contrarily, men can be seen using phrases, such as “always”, “never”, “nobody”, “everybody”, “all”, and so on.
miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011
The results of fear

After watching many videos of the mara salvatrucha we can see that fear is a major and important part when you are watching those gangs. The mara salvatrucha is one of the biggest gangs hear in Latin America that is Mexico central America and part s of the united states they are the best gang. Fear plays a very important role in this gangs when the mara salvatrucha wants to give fear they start painting the walls from the streets with strange messages that can give you fear. They might give fear by how they look there physical appearance they use a lot of tattoos there cloth is like some of them dirty others are ripped some of them use strange signs with there hands like signals or the way they talk they have code words that only they know what it is. In this gangs when the fear starts is when they go assault someone because they want something but if the person don’t want to give them what they want they killed that person so theres where the fear starts in the community because they are demonstrating that they are really dangerous and they whant to give fear so people from the city strats getting fear so they start driving with the windows closed other people always look around an see if there is something strange like someone is at there back and many other warnings. What fear gives us is like a vision that something bad will happen. Fear can be something that will never get out of our brain we all wayshave fear in for something and what this gangs like the mara salvatrucha give us is only fear and with fear it make a huge problem because then many things can not be done correct because of the sensation that something bad is going to happen.
miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

Violence is an extreme form of aggression, such as assault, rape or murder.
Violence has many causes, including frustration, exposure to violent media, violence in the home or neighborhood and a tendency to see other people's actions as hostile even when they're not. Certain situations also increase the risk of aggression, such as drinking, insults and other provocations and environmental factors like heat and overcrowding.Many people think of school shootings when they think of teen violence. But teen violence includes many different activities. These include fights, gang violence and suicide. The victims of teen violence are most often other teenagers.
Teens who commit acts of violence are often involved in other types of risky or criminal behavior. They may use drugs, carry weapons, drive recklessly and have unsafe sex.
The most critical risk factor for violence for your children is the behavior of their friends and classmates. You should know who your kids hang out with and encourage healthy behavior and relationships.Religious and political ideologies have been the cause of interpersonal violence throughout history.The causes of violent behavior in humans are often topics of research in psychology and sociology. Neurobiologist Jan Volavka emphasizes that for those purposes, “violent behavior is defined as intentional physically aggressive behavior against another person."
Official crime statistics reveal high rates of offense among young people. These offenses include rape, assault, and theft. About 34 percent of all offenders arrested for criminal offenses in 2006 were under the age of twenty-one
domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010
1.)changes in the body's balance of hormones, which can be a result of problems in the thyroid, menopause, or other condition. Inherited traits are also involved in causes of depression.
2.Environmental causes of depression are concerned with factors that are outside of ourselves.he environmental causes of depression are life events such as the death or loss of familiars of loved ones, financial problems, and high stress. Early childhood traumas can be also a cause of depression, traumatic events during childhood such as abuse or loss of a loved one which can cause permanent changes in the brain.
3.)Cognitive causes of depression are learned through relationships, unfavorable life situations often in childhood and the formative years. People view the world in a negative way, this negative view is usually a distortion of reality.
4.)he cognitive symptoms of depression actually precede the affective and mood symptoms of depression, rather than vice versa.
2.Environmental causes of depression are concerned with factors that are outside of ourselves.he environmental causes of depression are life events such as the death or loss of familiars of loved ones, financial problems, and high stress. Early childhood traumas can be also a cause of depression, traumatic events during childhood such as abuse or loss of a loved one which can cause permanent changes in the brain.
3.)Cognitive causes of depression are learned through relationships, unfavorable life situations often in childhood and the formative years. People view the world in a negative way, this negative view is usually a distortion of reality.
4.)he cognitive symptoms of depression actually precede the affective and mood symptoms of depression, rather than vice versa.
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